Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sweet Sleep and Squirrels

Sometimes I love waking up in bed, with the duvet piled around me and my hair still slightly wet from last night's shower. It feels like the most decadent thing in the world.

Last night a squirrel shared my ice cream with me. Jaja and I got great big cones from Ed's Real Scoop, and sat in the park looking out over the beach and the lake to eat them. A squirrel hopped up on the bench beside me and put both its paws on my leg and looked up at me appealingly. So I broke off a bit of my cone and gave it to him. He politely sat the bench with me and nibbled it, and when it was all gone looked up and me again as if to say, "Might I please have some more?" I dropped the next bit my accident, so he ate it while sitting beside my foot. When he was ready for more he would look up with soulful eyes and reach way up with his little tiny hands to grab the next bit I handed down to him. After a while he hopped back up on the bench to sit with us and we all ate out cones companionably looking out over the water. He ate till he was full, said his thank yous, and hopped off into the park and away. Jaja and I walked home with ice cream smears on our clothes and smiles on our faces.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Four Years, Still Happy

Rafiki and I went camping up north, and people had made wonderful sandcastles on the beach. There were ones with turrets and moats and driftwood fences. There was even a human-sized sand mermaid lying on the beach with her head resting on her arms and seaweed hair cascading down her back. The next day she was joined by a sandwhale, a small one about her size, who was keeping her company. I like playing with campfires especially, and we baked meals on ours, rolling quiche in tinfoil and tossing it on the flames to warm it up, or whole potatoes or peppers stuffed with other veggies to bake them on the hot coals. S'mores made with arrowroot cookies instead of graham crackers are devine and ever so addictive. We ate off paper plates then burnt the plates and giggled a lot.