Friday, April 29, 2011

An illustrated Manuscript

I like my silly coloured toes (thank you Nanermellon);

The balloons I got for Rafiki to celebrate the end of the school year danced on the rising heat;
Jaja was singing the Kellogg's Raisin Bran tag line "2 cups of raisins in Kellogg's raisin bran" when she stopped, snorted, and said sarcastically, "Real food in food? It must be health food!"
Which made me laugh.

I went for a walk with Kryptonite when the wind was blowing strong and the waves were exhilarating and beautiful;

(the waves created ponds all the way up the beach.
I liked this lost and lonely deck chair)

I made a second cake! It was for Rafiki's mummy's birthday. Banana sponge cake with lemon whipping cream and strawberry layers; and lots and lots of strawberries, whipping cream, and a little rum chocolate icing on top. Rafiki put on all the strawberries except the centre flower. He did a mighty fine job.

We went out for dinner and I met his Dad for the second time (the first time longer than 2 minutes). He tells funny stories. I want to hear them all twice so I can do them some justice in a retelling.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

A few days ago, Mummy called from the other room, "We need to buy a new house!"
"What? Why?" I called back, expecting disaster - a leaking room, cracks in the walls, something new that needed fixing in our much loved old and shifting house. I peaked my head into the room she was sitting in.
She scowled. "We've already used all the hiding spots for easter eggs. Where do I hide them this year?"
I laughed, "Well, it does seem like a rather drastic solution. We could just rearrange all the rooms. Put all the beds in one room, the bunk bed in front of the bookshelves, all the tables in another room. Mix it up a little. That should create some new hiding spots."

Of course we didn't. I loved the artistic and cute places they found to hide the eggs anyway, and found a few of my own. Here are some of my favourites:

(that's a white chocolate wafer balanced on her head)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Watching on Repeat.

I love her voice. I love the song. I love the video. So glad I stumbled on it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

If I knew you were coming...

I made a cake!
After spending all my study breaks looking at cakes for weeks, now that I have free time I was inspired to make one. It's chocolate-carrot sponge cake and lemon sponge cake with rum-chocolate icing on lemon whipped cream.

Look! It's checkered on the inside!

I'm very proud of it.

In other news, Rafiki and I spent the morning giggling in bed because the garbage truck on my street made noises like a cat meowing when it squeaked.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I colour coded my notes before I started writing my essay, and I like the pleasing assortment of colours on the tabs. They remind me of easter eggs.
I also like pouring pure cranberry juice into water. It slowly blooms in the water, like the beginnings of some mad science experiment. (the photo belongs to Dan Jackson ).